The Hypno Practice

The Health Education Authority has said
"Research shows that there is more scientific evidence for Hypnotherapy than any other Complementary Therapy.... by using hypnosis people can perform prodigious feats of will-power and self healing. "

There are three types of therapy available.

Suggestion therapy is a traditional form of therapy using suggestions to promote and to reinforce positive messages. The subconscious mind can then accept the suggestions given during the therapy so any false beliefs or negative information stored there can be overridden.

Solution based therapy is used when there has been traumatic past events or anxiety about the future, that has not been resolved. It is aimed at helping you to achieve goals by desensitising from the emotion still linked to fears or patterns of behaviour.

Analytical therapy works on the basis that every symptom has a cause. Past events in our lives, whether we are aware of it or not, can have an influence over our present behaviour. It allows the opportunity to re-evaluate the past with adult perspective. Analytical therapy can highlight both positive and negative experiences from our lifetime and can often give an insight to our inner self and workings.