The Hypno Practice

The Health Education Authority has said
"Research shows that there is more scientific evidence for Hypnotherapy than any other Complementary Therapy.... by using hypnosis people can perform prodigious feats of will-power and self healing. "

One cigarette shortens your life by 14 minutes

Nearly nine years ago the Which? Report concluded that of all the methods available for stopping smoking, Hypnotherapy was the most successful, and the only one with no cravings, no irritability, no bad temper and no weight gain.

Once suggestions for your benefit are accepted by the subconscious mind they are very difficult to remove. You can be sure the suggestions will be there guiding you supporting you each day, week, month and year to help you stop the smoking habit for good. You can be free of that dominating poisonous habit which has never been either a necessary or natural part of your life in any way.

Imagine experiencing a great feeling of personal pride and personal pleasure simply by saying 'No thanks I don't smoke'.

Imagine your relationship with cigarettes and tobacco changing.

Imagine finding the whole idea of them boring, even distasteful.

Imagine looking at other smokers and seeing yourself, as you no longer want to be seen. As you no longer wish to be seen. Your skin dried out and ageing prematurely, eyes looking dull, the smell of stale smoke in your hair, clothes, home and car.

Imagine when you are in the company of other smokers feeling calm and relaxed now you are no longer taking those poisonous substances into your body, calm and relaxed now you have removed ongoing anxieties over health issues.

For anti-smoking therapy only one session lasting 1 ½ - 2 hours is necessary and this costs £95.