The Hypno Practice

The Health Education Authority has said
"Research shows that there is more scientific evidence for Hypnotherapy than any other Complementary Therapy.... by using hypnosis people can perform prodigious feats of will-power and self healing. "

Your confidentiality is of paramount importance at all times

If you would like to discuss your problem in confidence, or would like to find out at first hand how this type of therapy will be of benefit to you, then why not book an initial consultation? There is no charge for this and it simply takes the form of a chat about you, hypnotherapy and how it could help you. Hypnosis will be neither used nor demonstrated at this time and you will be under no obligation.

IMPORTANT Consultations by appointment only

Alex Romankevich
Clinical Hypnotherapist DHP LAPHP LHS ANCP MNCH(lic.)


website :
Phone : 0845 0542456
Mobile : 0780 3606913